St. Louis anxious about EPA plan for barrier between fire, toxic waste, 01/08/2016

Aljazeera America.comby Ryan Schuessler Statement on barrier between underground fire and radioactive waste comes after study shows contamination is spreading Those living near a landfill complex in suburban St. Louis where an underground fire is burning near Cold War-era nuclear weapons waste say they remain afraid and frustrated despite a government pledge to build a…

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UPDATE: Residents frustrated by EPA’s isolation barrier plan for West Lake Landfill, 01/11/2016

WasteDive.comby Arlene Karidis UPDATE: Despite plans to build an underground barrier between Bridgeton Landfill and West Lake Landfill, residents have reported to be frustrated and claim the fire-prevention efforts are not enough, according to International Business Times and Al Jazeera. “It’s looking more and more like removal is the only way to guarantee [a safe solution],” said local resident Dawn Chapman to Al…

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