Karen and I are honored to have been chosen to sit on this panel for the Outrider Nuclear Reporting Summit this Thursday in Washington DC. While there we will also be able to squeeze in a few meetings and get an update on RECA to share with you all. – the Moms About the 2024…
Read MoreDedicated to protecting our families, community, & environment.
Call to Action
Together, we can make a difference!
With the help of supporters like you, Just Moms STL has made many strides and accomplished many things over the years.
Stay tuned for how we can come together as a region to support the bi-partisan Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA), federal legislation that would force the Department of Energy (DOE) to clean up/pay for sites in our region, medical screenings, etc.
Please also check out our Calendar to keep up-to-date with Community, EPA Region 7, and U.S. Army Corp., FUSRAP Meetings.
Many thanks,
Just Moms STL
Waste History Library
Learn more about various hazardous waste sites throughout St. Louis here.
On the Blog
Some good news today! Missouri is DONE letting the Federal Government continue to expose its citizens to radioactive waste!
Thankful to all the advocates and elected officials who fought and advocated so hard both now and throughout the years! This letter from Colonel Andy Pannier and his response to the advocacy for signage since he’s been assigned to St. Louis USACE FUSRAP has left us with a lot of hope. Trust is hard to…
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