Sponsor: Sen. Blunt, Roy [R-MO]
Cosponsor: Sen. McCaskill, Claire [D-MO]
Date: November 19, 2015
S.2306 Referred to Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works
Senate Passes Blunt, McCaskill Bill to Help West Lake Families
Date: February 02, 2016
Senate Bill S.2306 passed in the Senate by Unanimous Consent!
To require the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, to undertake remediation oversight of the West Lake Landfill located in Bridgeton, Missouri
Sponsor: Rep. Clay, Wm Lacy (D-MO-1)
Cosponsor: Rep. Wagner, Ann [R-MO-2]
Date: November 19, 2015
H.R.4100 Referred to House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
H.R.4100 Referred to House Committee on Energy and Commerce
Please visit our “Phone Calls & Tweet Library” for phone numbers and Twitter accounts of the Committee Reps. Let them know how important the West Lake Landfill situation is!
Send a Message to Congress to Support Bill H.R.4100
Sponsor: Maria Chappelle-Nadal
Date: December 1, 2015
Description: This act creates the Hazardous Waste Home Acquisition Program. Under this program, any homeowner who owns a home within 1 1/2 miles north, northeast, or northwest of I-70 at Exit 232A within the Spanish Village Subdivision may apply to sell their home for fair market rate to the Department of Natural Resources. Application criteria and timeline requirements for application decisions from the Department of Natural Resources are set forth in this act. In addition, this act sets forth an order of priority that the Department of Natural Resources shall follow when purchasing homes. Funding for the program will be subject to appropriation to the Hazardous Waste Home Acquisition Program Fund.