Senate bill to shift oversight of nuclear waste in landfill, 02/03/2016

The Washington Timesby Jim Salter, The Associated Press ST. LOUIS (AP) – The U.S. Senate has passed a bill that could transfer oversight of a St. Louis County landfill containing nuclear waste to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and away from the jurisdiction of the Environmental Protection Agency. The measure passed Tuesday still needs approval…

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Underground Fire in Mo. Nears Nuclear Waste Dump, 02/18/2016

Discovery.comby Patrick J. Kiger In the St. Louis area, a slow-burning underground fire is close to a vast store of nuclear waste buried in a federal Superfund site. The fire reportedly has been smoldering beneath a nearby landfill since at least 2010. The Washington Post reports that residents are afraid of what may happen if…

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EPA: Radioactive Material in Unexpected Places at Landfill, 03/24/2016

ABC Newsby the Associated Press Radioactive material buried near an underground fire at a suburban St. Louis landfill has been found in areas where it was previously not suspected, but there is no increased health risk to residents or workers, Environmental Protection Agency officials said Thursday. The EPA released the first phase report of an investigation of…

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Ghosts Of Hiroshima Haunt Fuming Landfill Near Ferguson, Missouri, 04/13/2016

Seattle Mediumby Josh PetersonUrban News Service BRIDGETON, Mo. – Outside Ferguson, Missouri, another issue burns. This time, it’s environmental. An underground fire smolders toward radioactive waste tied to the atomic bombs that leveled Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This subterranean inferno threatens to sicken area residents, just 10 miles from the site of the controversial, police-involved death…

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Radioactive Hot Spot Prompts Researchers’ Concerns, 04/28/2016

The Wall Street Journalby John R. Emshwiller About a mile from homes in Missouri’s St. Louis County lies a radioactive hot spot with contamination levels hundreds of times above federal safety guidelines. But there are no plans to clean it up. That is because the location, tainted with waste from atomic-weapons work done in local factories decades ago, has been deemed by…

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