Veterans Today by Bob Nichols St. Louis and the Rad Problem St. Louis, now and forever more, will be remembered as a Manhattan Project nuclear garbage dump. It was for the most poisonous, flammable elements in the universe that just happen to also be radioactive. What will happen to the pieces of the rocks that incinerated…
Read MoreThe Looming Environmental Disaster in Missouri that Nobody is Talking About, 01/02/2016
AntiMedia.orgClaire Bernish (ANTIMEDIA) St. Louis, MO — What happens when radioactive byproduct from the Manhattan Project comes into contact with an “underground fire” at a landfill? Surprisingly, no one actually knows for sure; but residents of Bridgeton, Missouri, near the West Lake and Bridgeton Landfills — just northwest of the St. Louis International Airport — may find…
Read MoreEPA orders barrier installed to protect nuclear waste from underground fire near St. Louis, 01/02/2016
Los Angeles Timesby Associated Press The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has ordered the installation of an isolation barrier to make sure that an underground fire does not reach buried nuclear waste at a suburban St. Louis landfill. Mark Hague, EPA regional administrator, who announced the move Thursday, said the plan for West Lake Landfill in…
Read MoreStudy Finds Radioactive Waste at St. Louis-Area Landfill Has Migrated Off-Site, 01/02/2016
NASDAQ.comDow Jones Business Newsby John R. Emshwiller and Gary Fields Radioactive contamination from a St. Louis-area landfill containing nuclear-weapons-related waste likely has migrated off-site, according to a study published this week in a scientific journal. One of the authors of the private, peer-reviewed study, which appeared Tuesday in the Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, said he doesn’t see…
Read MoreSt. Louis anxious about EPA plan for barrier between fire, toxic waste, 01/08/2016
Aljazeera America.comby Ryan Schuessler Statement on barrier between underground fire and radioactive waste comes after study shows contamination is spreading Those living near a landfill complex in suburban St. Louis where an underground fire is burning near Cold War-era nuclear weapons waste say they remain afraid and frustrated despite a government pledge to build a…
Read MoreUPDATE: Residents frustrated by EPA’s isolation barrier plan for West Lake Landfill, 01/11/2016
WasteDive.comby Arlene Karidis UPDATE: Despite plans to build an underground barrier between Bridgeton Landfill and West Lake Landfill, residents have reported to be frustrated and claim the fire-prevention efforts are not enough, according to International Business Times and Al Jazeera. “It’s looking more and more like removal is the only way to guarantee [a safe solution],” said local resident Dawn Chapman to Al…
Read MoreEmergency Response Activity Report for 10/24/2015, Surface Fire, 12/07/2015
Submitted to: U.S. EPA, Region 7Prepared by: Tetra Tech, Inc. EPA has published its Emergency Response Activity Report for the surface fire that occurred at the West Lake Landfill Superfund Site on October 24, 2015. The surface fire did not threaten any radiologically impacted material.
Read MoreEPA orders work to start on landfill barrier, 04/28/2016 The E.P.A. is ordering Republic Services to begin work on a barrier that will ensure an underground fire at the Bridgeton Landfill never reaches nuclear waste buried at the West Lake Landfill.
Read MoreFire burns through the night at Republic Service’s Sugar Creek landfill, 01/28/2016
The Kansas City Starby Robert A. Cronkleton A fire at the Courtney Ridge Recycling and Disposal Facility in Sugar Creek burned through the night and into Thursday. A passer-by noticed the fire at the landfill at 1701 N. Missouri 291 shortly before 11 p.m. and called 911. When Sugar Creek police and fire personnel responded,…
Read MoreSenate Passes Blunt, McCaskill Bill to Help West Lake Families, 02/02/2016
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Roy Blunt (Mo.) and Claire McCaskill (Mo.) today applauded Senate passage of their bill, S. 2306, to transfer remediation authority over the West Lake landfill from the Environmental Protection Agency to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, putting the site in the Corps’ Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP). Missouri Representatives…
Read MoreToday, The Senate Passed Bill S.2306, 02/02/2016
S.2306 – A bill to require the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, to undertake remediation oversight of the West Lake Landfill located in Bridgeton, Missouri.
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